Aug 25, 2014

Meatless Monday ** Mele Mels Boca Vegan Chik'n Pattie Sandwiches



  • Boca Vegan Chik'n Pattie (4)
  • Oroweat Specialty Crustini sandwich rolls (4)
  • Olive Oil
  • Pickles (20-24 slices)
  • Tomatoes (20-24 slices)
  • Lettuce (Iceberg for texture, 4-8 pieces)
  • Red Onion (5 Julianne each sandwich)
  • Mustard (Heavy)
  • Ketchup (Heavy)
  • Salt (Dash)
  • Pepper (Dash)
  • Paprika (Dash)
  • Red Pepper (Dash)
  • Cumin (Dash)
  • Basil (Dash)
  • Prep time:       
  • Cook time: 10 min
  • Ready in: 20 min             
  • Yields: Serves four (4) people    

          Instructions: Boca Vegan Chik'n Patties Sandwiches

  • Prep Vegetables for sandwiches
  • Cook Vegan Chik'n Patties (Each side 5-6 minutes or until done on Medium heat in frying pan with light Olive Oil)
  • Add Mustard and Ketchup to each sandwich slice
  • Place Pattie on sandwich slice that has the Ketchup
  • Layer Tomatoes, Onions, Pickles, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Pickles (On top of Pattie in order)
  • Add a light dash of Salt, Pepper, Cumin, Paprika, Red Pepper, Basil
  • Place sandwich slice that has the Mustard on top of sandwich and...Presto you have now created  

    Meatless Monday ** Mele Mels Boca Vegan Chik'n Pattie Sandwiches

 **Enjoy a Fabulous Mouth Watering Meatless Monday**

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